Capturing the Feminine Mystique on Realistic and Abstract Paintings

Mona Lisa’s smile is as enigmatic as the possible inspiration behind one of Leonardo da Vinci’s most celebrated magna opera. On the surface, the painting simply depicts a 16th century Florentine woman sitting serenely before da Vinci as he paints her portrait. For one amateur art historian, however, La Gioconda’s smile has “feminism” written all over it.

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Selling Abstract Paintings Online: Reaching Out to a Wider Market

The Internet today does not only serve data gathering, but also includes a wide variety of online commerce. Many people have taken on online transactions, buying items through the Internet because of its practicality and convenience.

Through online commerce, numerous transactions have already taken place across various services and commodities, including art. Artistic abstract paintings, landscape pictures, portraits and other art pieces that people usually see and buy in galleries can now be purchased online; and the Internet is helping maintain, if not grow, art’s steady market. According to Chris Grant-Peterkin in an article for The Guardian:

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